At Nimel Primary Care Practice, our licensed healthcare providers are qualified to certify patients for medical marijuana use. If you have a qualifying medical condition, we will connect you with a knowledgeable professional who can help you obtain certification for medical marijuana, ensuring you receive the support and guidance you need.

How to Get a Maryland Medical Marijuana Card

Step 1: Sign up as a patient with the Maryland Medicinal Cannabis Commission

  • Adult Patients (aged 18 years and above)
  • Minor Patients (aged below 18 years)
  • Caregivers are required to register with the Commission before they can register a minor patient. Additionally, the registration of a minor patient involves submitting extra forms, one of which needs to be notarized.

To learn more, click here.

Step 2: Set an Appointment

Call our clinic or schedule an appointment online for your initial consultation. We provide same-day or next-day appointments to accommodate your schedule.

Residents of Maryland aged 18 and over are eligible to register with the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission to purchase medical cannabis, provided it is recommended by their physician as a treatment option. Patients under 18 must have a parent or guardian register as their caregiver.

To learn more about the certification process, click here.

Step 3: Health Review With a Doctor

During your appointment, the physician will review your medical history to determine if you have a qualifying medical condition for medical marijuana use. Please ensure you bring all relevant medical records to this visit.

Medical marijuana may be beneficial for any medical condition, as determined by your physician. Below are the most common conditions for which we have certified patients:

  • Anorexia
  • Cachexia
  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Seizures
  • Severe or Chronic Pain
  • Severe Nausea
  • Severe or Persistent Muscle Spasms
  • Wasting Syndrome
  • Any chronic medical condition that is severe and for which other treatments have been ineffective

Step 4: Medical History

We recommend that patients bring proof of their chronic medical condition, such as medical records from other physicians or imaging results (X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds). The Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) mandates a bona fide physician-patient relationship with the certifying physician, who must endorse medical cannabis as a treatment option for your qualifying medical condition.

Once approved, you will be certified immediately using your state-issued ID and can begin purchasing medical marijuana at local dispensaries without delay.

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